Halloween Project: A Haunted House

img_6172My entry this week is related to the celebration of Hallowen. In relation to this topic I will mention that, due to the closeness that we, teachers of English, have towards this celebration, it is a recurrent theme at this time of the year. Nevertheless, it is not a commonly shared idea among members of the educational system, parents or students. Therefore, I will stand up for Halloween as a festival and promote its teaching not only here in Spain but also in the classrooms all around the world, as it is a way to make students familiar with a festival that is celebrated in more and more countries in the world.

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Act it out!

quiz-showIt’s an activity for children that occurred to me while we were talking and studying about television. We did it with Kids 5 group and they loved it!

During the last few weeks children got to know some new vocabulary related to television. To be exact, they learnt the names of different TV programmes, for instance: quiz, weather forecast, series or news. As we all know kids really like watching television, but how about appearing on it?

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img_5967Hi everyone!!

Here is an enjoyable and pedagogical game I play once a week with my students in the Kids groups.

The objective is to increase students learning, to encourage their appropriate social behaviour and decrease their discipline problems. This game has been well-received by the students since they are looking forward to playing it!!

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